Saturday, October 11, 2008

Giveaway Results

Wow! Thanks for all of the entries and comments - and stay in touch for more fun recipes and giveaways in the future! My first giveaway was so fun! The winners were chosen using and the random integer generator. And the winners are the following fun snacks friends:

Parker, who said:
"I love books for my kids. Great blog."

Erin, who said:
"I love your site. You have such fun and useful ideas. Would love the books! - Erin"

Gordo Fam, who said:
"I'm in. I have this link on my blog so does that count for 2?"

Okay winners! Send an e-mail to with your name and address with a link back to your blog so I can make sure this is you - Oh! And don't forget to let me know which one of the books you would like me to send. The books will arrive to you via UPS a couple of days after I get your information!