Thursday, December 16, 2010

Edible Paint

We painted Christmas Lights with Edible Paint in preschool!  So easy and cute!  And Yes ... it dries that shiny!

All you do is take light Karo Syrup and separate it into cups and mix food coloring into each cup. Then put a plastic spoon into each cup. The kids dip the spoon into the Syrup and place the spoon (base down) on the paper and it makes the cute light/circle shape! Easy Peasy!


  1. I am so glad that you teach preschool!!! I love to steal all your ideas. You are AMAZING!!!

  2. I have been looking for a recipe like this. Thanks so much!

  3. What a neat idea... I love the shiny look!

    (And your reindeer cookies are pretty adorable too :) )

  4. This is Hailey's favorite "paint"! She says is "pretty " paint because it dries shiny. I love your idea for the lights! Cute!

  5. So fun and I love how its shiny.
