Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Gingerbread Playdough

 One of my favorite playdough recipes because it smells so darn good and it's fun for Christmas!

2 cups of flour
1 cup salt
2 cups boiling water
1 tablespoon cream of tartar
2 tablespoons of vegetable oil
2 tsp (about) allspice
2 tsp (about) ground ginger
2 tsp (about) ground cloves

Put all of the dry ingredients into a bowl and stir. Measure 2 cups water and add red and green food coloring to make desired brown color and then microwave the water to boiling - easy & fast. Add the boiling water, and oil to the dry ingredients. Stir until too sticky, then knead by hand.


  1. That is so original! Is a great idea for the kids!Thanks for sharing it, it's really useful!

    Doña Masita

  2. Can I eat those cute little man? =D

  3. Yumm those look delicious
