Giveaway CLOSED!
And the winner is: #5, Stoddard Family
who said "Rach I posted on my Blog."
But here's what she said on her original comment,
"This is so much fun, so glad you got the opportunity to do this.
I would have to say my favorite thing my mom would make was her Corn Flake Cookies. She only made them when we would travel and man were they good.
Dang now I want to go make some."
Thanks Stoddard Family! Now All I need you to do is send me your mailing address and my friend Sean at CSN Stores will mail you your prize! Thanks for playing everyone!
And the winner is: #5, Stoddard Family
who said "Rach I posted on my Blog."
But here's what she said on her original comment,
"This is so much fun, so glad you got the opportunity to do this.
I would have to say my favorite thing my mom would make was her Corn Flake Cookies. She only made them when we would travel and man were they good.
Dang now I want to go make some."
Thanks Stoddard Family! Now All I need you to do is send me your mailing address and my friend Sean at CSN Stores will mail you your prize! Thanks for playing everyone!
I SCREAM, You SCREAM, We All SCREAM for .... a totally delicious GIVEAWAY!!!
Again, I can't thank CSN Stores enough for the opportunity to let me host a giveaway! And here it is folks!
This is one of my ALL TIME favorite products in the whole world! We got one for our wedding and it is AmAzInG!!! Just click on the picture below to find out more about it!

Here's what you do:
Post a comment on THIS POST and tell me your favorite spring/summer/holiday snack or treat that you've seen, made or remember from when you were a kid and GET CREATIVE!
Want to be entered twice??? Post a link to THIS POST on your blog, then let me know you did by leaving one more comment!
The deadline is Sunday, March 21, 2010 at 11:59 p.m. And the winner will be chosen by I will post the winner sometime on Monday - Good Luck!!
That's all you do! Easy as pie ... pie with ice cream, that is!
Rach- I love your fun snacks for kids!!! I can't wait to see all of the fun stuff you have and come up with.
Let's see, my favorite snack with a child is the peanut butter playdough. You could play with it and eat it. I don't remember all of what was in it, but I think it was powdered milk, powdered sugar and peanut butter. Yummy!
Oh and I really, really need an ice cream maker (I have never owned one!!)
Growing up my mom always made Homemade rootbeer! the real kind! it would have to age in the bottles for weeeks we would take it camping and by the time we got up the mountain it would be soo shook up you had to put you mouth over the bottle as soon as you opened it to keep it from going everywhere! good times! and NOTHING Tastes better!
I vividly remember a snack I dreamed up while riding home from swimming lessons one hot summer day. Split a canteloupe in half and scoop out the seeds. Fill the space where the seeds were with a large scoop of vanilla ice cream and put a line of grapes around the ice cream. I daydreamed about it all the way home and my mom actually let me make it when we got there!
This is so much fun, so glad you got the opportunity to do this.
I would have to say my favorite thing my mom would make was her Corn Flake Cookies. She only made them when we would travel and man were they good.
Dang now I want to go make some.
Rach I posted on my Blog.
Oh let's see I would have to say it would have to be mud cookies for me (no-bake chocolate cookies), they are still a favorite and my kids love them without the coconut. A mixture of of oatmeal, chocolate, and peanut butter goodness. Hmmm I may just have to make a batch tomorrow.
Pick me! Pick me!
I have two favorite summer snacks - both involve a camp fire.
First are smores - of course. But I love them with Walmarts fudge covered peanut butter cookies as the graham cracker part.
Second are banana boats. You slice a banana length wise (leaving the peel on) then open it up slightly (where you split it) and stuff in marshmallows and chocolate chips. Wrap it in foil and throw it on the coals. It's warm banana/chocolate/marshmallow heaven! can't wait for our first camping trip!
Mine would have to either be homemade rootbeer that my dad made (oh so good!) or the no bake refrigerator cookies that we used to sneak out of the fridge at night.
Fun contest! I would LOVE to win this. One of my favorite treats was probably ham with cream cheese spread on it and rolled up and cut into tiny bite size pieces. We always used fun toothpicks to eat them with!!!
I would love to win this ice cream maker; what fun! One of my favorite snacks is a ritz cracker with raspberry or strawberry jam on it then topped off with a slice of cheese. YUM!
I would love to win this seeing that I'm such an ice cream girl! Thanks for the giveaway!
This reminds me of one of my favorite summer treats as a child. My mom would make the best homemade raspberry banana ice cream. We all loved it as kids and still do.
When I was really little I loved frozen bananas dipped in chocolate and then rolled in crushed nuts. I remember begging my mom to make those! I'm going to have to make those for my kids now!
I published to my blog at
I posted about this on my recipe blog...
P.S. I think I found your site from Karlee Allred. Are you related?
My favorite summer treat is a homemade icecream rootbeer float!!!
I don't remember how I found your blog, but I love it! My favorite treat as a kid was no bake cookies. We made them every Sunday together. It was something to look forward to, and it just topped off the weekend!
when I taught first grade, we had a cooking center once a week. we made all kinds of fun things with picture directions. but anyway, one of my favorites was around springtime, and we made sherbet floats with orange sherbet and 7 up. YUM.:)
Love this giveaway! My favorite snack as a kid has to be popsicles! Loved the rootbeer and banana ones!
jmojmo24 at gmail dot com
Miss Rachael...What a fun site. You are so creative and fun. I'm so glad we have gotten to know you over the last few years. Grant just loves you to pieces.
One of our favorite spring/summer treats is called Peaches Plus. We make it during peach season. It has peaches, mandarin oranges, and pineapple mixed with juices of each of those fruits. It is then frozen. To eat and enjoy you thaw slightly and break up pieces and place into a cup. Pour some sprite or 7up over top and you have a yummy treat. Delish!
What a fun toy! My favorite treat (today anyway) is lemon bars.
I posted on my
I love having new snack ideas. I think one of my favorite summer treat is taking lime sherbet in a cup, pour sprite over the top, whip cream, and cherry on top. This is great for the summer heat, and a low calorie rootbeer type float if you get the fat free sherbet.
Favorite treat of summer...smores! Then add them over a cold bowl of ice cream and it's the BEST!
Oh so many tasty summer treats--but my favorite to this day is called (at least at our house) Peach Delight--oh my heaven! Graham crackers, butter, eggs, sugar, peaces, cool whip...i'm drooling thinking about it now.
cute blog by the way.
I've wanted one of these for-ev-er! My very favorite summer meal is a home grown heirloom tomato sandwich! Mmmm! Oh I am sooo ready for summer this year...
I've had my eye on this ice cream maker for awhile now! I love that you don't need ice and salt!
My favorite summer treat is lemon ice... just lemon juice, ice, and sugar in a blender. We have a city fair every summer and I always look forward to the lemon ice stand!
My all time favorite treat growing up was my moms homeade suckers, we all got to help make them. Oh the flavors, Watermelon, grape, rootbeer, bubblegum i could go on but wont lol. What an awesome giveaway:)
We always make angel food cake to go with freshly picked strawberries. I love spring!
My favorite treat as a kid was an Easter treat that my grandma made. She used chow mein noodles, peanut butter and marshmallow cream and created a "nest". Then we would color coconut and use jelly beans for the grass and eggs in the nest. I make them every year with my kids. So much fun!
My parents made us this AWESOME Lemonade stand and we would stand on the corner selling lemonade and homemade all day suckers. The best was when we took it to the 4th of july festivites and sold them at the parade. I remember walking away thinkig that we were the richest kids in the town!
My favorite treat is nicely chilled Watermelon.
Also added to my blog!!!
I remember helping my stepmom make ice cream when I was a kid .. but it was with salt and all, a very long process, yet fun on nice breezy days!!!
Great giveaway! Nice to see ice cream makers have come so far!
woooow great giveaway :)My favorite summer treat is fruit juice ice :) orange,pineapple,strawberry mix and sugar and ice :)) delicious combo :)
lemon bars!!!
*pick me**pick me*
My favorite summer snack would have to be peanut butter rice krispie treats with ice cream sandwiched in the middle!! Yummy goodness!! We just make up a batch, cut them and freeze them individually. That way, you can just grab one out of the freezer and mmmmm, mmmmm, good. :)
my son just tried this one for washington's birthday... "cherry pie"
crush up a graham cracker or two in the bottom of a cup. spoon a few scoops of cherry pie filling on top of that, top with whipped cream.
super easy for little kids to do, very yummy, not so nutritious, but lots of fun!
I just came across you blog and it looks so fun! I would love to win! My favorite treat of all time is homemade ice cream! Really!
I love reading your blog, thanks for all the creative ideas! My favorite childhood goodies was my grandma's home made smores cassarole. It was a graham cracker crust with home made marshmallow filling drizzled with chocolate..yummy!
We loved frozen capri sun juice drinks with the bottom cut off. We ate them with spoons.
My favorite treat as a little kid would have to be popsicles or jello pops. We would go through boxes of them every summer. Thanks for the opportunity!
Are there summer treats that aren't good? I love ice-cream, frozen fruit bars,fruit pizza, fresh fruit with my grandma's delicious fruit dip (I'd choose it over ice-cream most days), s'mores... we like to get snow cones with our kids on the way home from the ball park throughout the Summer. Yum! I'm craving Summer now!
Love your blog, so cute!! My favorite snack/treat for movies or game nights is white chocolate covered popcorn! So easy and yummy! IT is good if you add m&ms and peanuts too!! I have a food blog too!!
We would make ice cream cookies. They were similar to sugar cookies, but the recipe was in a kids cookbook.
My favorite summertime lunch was a fluffer-nutter sandwich outside by the pool. It's one of my most vivid memories as a kid. It was always a special treat. Now I make the same (peanut butter/marshmellow fluff)sandwich for my son and ALWAYS use a cookie cutter to make it into a fun shape. Or substitute graham crackers for the bread to mix it up. So simple, so fun, so YUMMY!
My favorite homemede summer treat was my mom's apricot fruit leather. We would gather the apricots from our backyard fruit tree and my mom would work her magic and spread the leather on a baking sheet and set it outside on the deck to be dried by the sun. With six kids of her own and all the neighborhood kids it never lasted long.
I also posted to my blog
Favorite summertime goodie, not to be boring, but is hands down ice cream and homemade is THE best! I have this same ice cream maker, but do you KNOW how handy two would be sometimes? ;)
My favorite summertime treat growing up was homemade pudding pops and the Jell0 brand pudding pops when they used to make those. Loved Bill Cosby's commercials.
The best summertime treat is definitely a Big Stick. I could eat an entire bag in one day.
Oh my heck... my all time favorite summer (holy cow, i just realized i eat them in the dead of winter to, soo...) treat is Purple Cows!!!
They'd be perfect with this ice cream maker, because you need ice cream. Place it in a cup, not a bowl, it's all in the fun of how you eat it too! Then pour just enough prepared frozen grape JUICE on top just until it's about to spill over!! It is so simple and so yummy and refreshing to me! Of course it may have something to do with the memories for me as well!
I linked this post on my blog!!
I love all kinds of treats so it's hard to pick just one. But I think one of my favorite things to make in the summer is a homemade shake that uses milk, sugar, and fresh fruit. So Yummy and healthy!
I want it! I want it! I love ice cream. =) Growing up, we used to make homemade sugar donuts. So good!
Ooh, me, me, me!!! I want it! :)
I just came across this site and it is terrific!
My favorite snack my mom used to make was a variation of fried dough, but she used stale bread. She cut it into slices, fried it and covered it in sugar and cinnamon. YUM!
Thanks for the great ideas!
Popsicles. The plain old twin-pop kind. My sister and I would go through boxes of these. Breaking apart and sharing. Trying every flavor (all 3..oh my!). I just bought a box today in fact, totally a nostalgic purchase. My kids looked at me like, "why are you breaking the popsicle?"
My little boy asked, "But what if I wanted both?" I told him that's the joy of these. You can have half grape AND half cherry, OR half orange. Someday he'll understand :-)
If our mom splurged, then we got to have pudding pops or orange push-ups (with the polk-a-dot wrapper).
I'm making that lemon ice, and fruit juice ice..and I'm going to freeze some capri sun pouches. I never buy them, but now I must.
And what is a Big Stick?
LOVE your blog!! Such neat ideas for cooking, and learning with one's children.
My favorite treat when I was a kid were orange push-ups :) *Thanks* for the giveaway!
I also posted to my blog....little link to your post :-)
Hey Rach... aka Gordon
I love your blog, but my kids like it even more! Great ideas that they love to help me with!
In the summer when I was a kid my favorite thing was frozen grapes. They were the easiest thing to make and were great "on the go" snacks. I would get them when I had strep throat too... :)
Thanks for the blog!
i didnt know you had this blog. i will have to keep checking it out. i so want that ice cream maker. i have one that was passed down to me from my grandma and you have to use salt and ice.
my favorite memory was the icecream. my grandma cook and grandma scott would make it all the time and i love that my grandma scott gave me her ice cream maker. i guess she knew how much i loved homemade icecream.
I guess I picked a good day to check in here!My Fav summer treat is not one I have actually eaten or made it just looks super cool. I think I saw it here first a while back and had to post it on my own blog. The Corn on the Cob cupcakes from Family Fun. I love that site.
I also posted you on both my public and private blogs. You rock Rachel!
(Also,if I haven't told you already, your wedding/bridal pics are beautiful! Congrats!)
My favorite dessert was peanut butter bars that were on the school menu lunches. Those were the days that I would eat school lunch.
Posted a link on my site.
One of my favorite summertime snacks are so easy but delicious! We make individual Strawberry shortcakes with twinkies.... Each person gets a twinkie and you put fresh cut strawberrys on top! No need for cream its all inside!!! Yum! I think I want one right now!!!!!
"I wanna Turn!"
"Can I sit on it?"
That was what we yelled when we were ready to make home made ice cream. Now, we had the old fashioned ice cream maker. The one with the crank. You couldn't just plug it in. And it was a lot of work, especially as it got more frozen it was harder to turn. That's when my mom would tell us to have some one sit on top of the churn while someone cranked so that it would stay in place. I remember my youngest sister sitting on it with a pilliow ('cause it wasn't too comfy) while my dad finished the turning.
Mmmmm. Nothing like working together as a family to achieve something great!
Home made Ice cream!I scream, you scream we all scream for ice cream!
Hey, Rachael, I posted it to my blog! You are so awesome!
My mother didn't do snacks. But, if there was any snacking going on it would have to be OREOs and Milk. And it makes some "serious" good ice cream!!
Wow! Lots of comments. Does it count if I facebooked it at the start of your contest? Either way, good job Rach! Someone is going to be lucky to win that!!
You know how weird I am so here is is......I loved fried bologna with mustard. We also had spam with mustard but it had to be FRIED!!!!! We could eat it with potato chips!!
Hey Rach two of my favorite treats when I was little were Glades sherbert ice cream(still is one of my favs) and my Grandma used to put chocolate frosting in between graham crackers.
Posted this on my blog too(:
I loved freshly picked grapes and watermelon. And fudgesicles. Yum!
I love to make cupcakes that look like santa for my kids each Christmas.
A yummy snack I had as a kid was baked peaches. You buy the peach halves in a can, set them in a cake pan hole side up, sprinkle with cinnamon and put a dollop of butter in each hole and bake. Very yummy!
Has a kid growing up we would spend two weeks traveling in the summer to Orem, Utah to visit family. We would do this during the pioneer celebration. My favorite thing was when my cousins (where we stayed) their neighborhood would close down and bbq and the neighbor would make the greatest homemade peach ice cream!! YUMMY
My favorite summer treat growing up was my dad's homemade chocolate malt. I always requested that he make me one whenever I went home to visit while in college. After raving about my dad's malts for years, my husband decided to give them a try. Thanks to him, I can still say that a chocolate malt is still my favorite treat, and now I can enjoy it anytime.
I loved root beer floats as a kid... funny, I haven't had one in years!
My dad used to always make homemade peach ice cream. Made me appreciate my Georgia upbringing!
My favorite was rhubarb from my grandpa's garden. We would sneak out and steal some. If he caught us, he would give us "apples"(His name for rubbing his whiskers on our faces)
I also love root beer floats with the homemade rootbeer and homemade ice cream. It was the best on a hot summer night for a family night treat.
favorite summer snack? jello with whipped cream! yum!!!
My favorite treat was a peanut butter snake!! It's simple: equal amts pb, Karo syrup, powder milk and powder sugar. No cooking and minimal mess.
Anything to do with the fresh peaches that grew on our peach tree in the backyard. fresh peach homemade ice cream...yum!
My favorite snack would have to be lemon bars!!
As a kid it was ice-cream no matter the time of year--no matter the weather. Now that I am older it is ice-cream. No matter the time of year--no matter the weather.
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